長坂 育代
   所属   淑徳大学  看護栄養学部 看護学科
    淑徳大学大学院  看護学研究科 看護学専攻
   職種   准教授
発表年月日 2023/03/10
発表テーマ Oncology Nurses' Practical Knowledge Regarding Uncertainty in Women with Breast Cancer in Japan
発表学会名 26th East Asia Forum of Nursing Scholars (EAFONS2023)
学会区分 国際学会
発表形式 ポスター
単独共同区分 単独
開催地名 Hybrid conference in The University of Tokyo and using online
発表者・共同発表者 Ikuyo Nagasaka
概要 This study clarifies the practical knowledge of oncology nurses in Japan based on the narrative of nursing practice for women with breast cancer who are experiencing stress due to uncertainty. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 15 nurses who had practical experience treating patients with breast cancer and specialized qualifications in the field of oncology nursing in Japan. A thematic analysis of the interviews was conducted. The following four themes were identified with regard to how nurses help patients cope with uncertainty: 1. making inferences from the current atmosphere, 2. unravelling the entanglements of the mind, 3. reflecting on the past, looking to the future, and then returning to the present moment and 4. shifting the focus towards things that are certain.