ハラダ コウジ   
  原田 浩二
   所属   淑徳大学  看護栄養学部 看護学科
   職種   准教授
発表年月日 2022/04/21
発表テーマ 58.A survey of group home staff for the mentally ill on the difficulties dealing with residents and understanding their illnesses
発表学会名 the 25th East Asia Forum of Nursing Scholars Conference(EAFONS)
学会区分 国際学会
開催地名 ,Held online
概要 "We clarified situations in which it was difficult for group home (GH) staff to provide care to these home residents and understand their diseases and symptoms.The participants included three women, a care worker, a mental health worker, and a nurse, aged between 30 and 60. A total of 119 codes, 20 subcategories, and six categories were extracted.Regarding difficult situations, “managing daily life, such as eating and personal hygiene,” “managing physical and mental disorders,”“support for residents’ problems,” “using the characteristics of the staff,”“utilization of and collaboration with multi-professions and external organizations,” ” and
“search for learning methods for skills and knowledge necessary for residents” were extracted.(Koji Harada, Akane Ito)"