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   所属   淑徳大学  看護栄養学部 看護学科
    淑徳大学大学院  看護学研究科 看護学専攻
   職種   准教授
言語種別 英語
発行・発表の年月 2024/03
形態種別 学術論文
査読 査読あり
標題 Evaluating a conceptual framework for quality assessment of medical interpretation
執筆形態 共著
掲載誌名 Patient Education and Counseling
巻・号・頁 123
著者・共著者 Taeko Hamai, Ayako Nagata, Naoko Ono, Hiroaki Nishikawa, Sadanori Higashino
概要 We aimed to evaluate a proposed conceptual framework for quality assessment of medical interpretation using actual data from clinical settings. Interpretation accuracy was significantly higher for hospital-provided interpreters, but was not associated with overall patient satisfaction. Overall physician satisfaction was associated with accurate interpretation, clinically negative altered interpretations, and positive voluntary interventions (p < 0.05). Positive alterations promoted patient, physician, and interpreter interactions, which helped to achieve clinical outcomes.