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教員情報 |
ナガタ アヤコ
永田 文子 所属 淑徳大学 看護栄養学部 看護学科 淑徳大学大学院 看護学研究科 看護学専攻 職種 准教授 |
発表年月日 | 2018/01 |
発表テーマ | A scale for bereaved families' perceptions of end-of-life care at nursing homes for the elderly in Japan |
発表学会名 | 21st East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars |
学会区分 | 国際学会 |
発表形式 | ポスター |
単独共同区分 | 共同 |
開催地名 | Seoul, Korea |
発表者・共同発表者 | Nagata Ayako, Hamai Taeko, Ishibashi Miyuki, Masaki Harue |
概要 | This study aimed to examine the reliability and validity of a scale on bereaved families' perceptions regarding end-of-life care in nursing homes. A self-administered postal questionnaire survey was conducted at 3,339 nursing homes for the elderly between February to June 2014 with bereaved families of older people who had died at nursing homes. Criterion-related validity assessed using the 25-item Family Perception of Care Scale (FPCS). Of the nursing homes, 176 agreed to participate, and questionnaires sent to 493 families; 487 returned the surveys, and there were 427 valid responses. Exploratory factor analyses extracted 29 items for three factors. Internal consistency for these items was high, and validity was confirmed by the correlation between the total scores for all 29 items and those for the FPCS. |