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   所属   淑徳大学  看護栄養学部 看護学科
    淑徳大学大学院  看護学研究科 看護学専攻
   職種   准教授
発表年月日 2020/02
発表テーマ Mastery of adapting to daily life in older patients undergoing Hemodialysis (HD)
発表学会名 6th International Conference of World Academy of Nursing Science
学会区分 国際学会
発表形式 ポスター
単独共同区分 共同
開催地名 Osaka, Japan
発表者・共同発表者 Natumi Shimizu, Ayako Nagata, Harue Masaki
概要 This Study aimed to identify the mastery established by Younger in older patients undergoing HD.In this qualitative study, dates were collected through semi-structured interviews of three older patients who were over 65 years old and had been undergoing HD for at least three years and their families. Data analysis was used content analysis, using four elements of mastery; Certainty, Change, Acceptance, and Growth. Attaining mastery to adapt to a daily life with HD needs a lot of time, and family support, which then leads to the promotion and maintenance of QOL. Therefore it is recommended that nurses should support older patients in attaining this mastery.